
Design by Paned Expressions, Fabrication by Carol Troendle, Text by Angie Rodgers

Rendering black and white in art rarely results in solid black and pure white; rather, the object or animal reflects the colors around it. Artist Carol Troendle executed this task perfectly in this image of two zebras hugging each other around their necks as the blazing sunset around them is reflected in their fur. Wissmach Glass Company enhances this project with their bold opal and opaque glass colors. Canfield 60/40 solder and Canfield Copper Mate® flux are recommended for best results. The panel measures 30-1/2” x 30-1/2”.

Article originally published on page 49 in the Winter 2024 issue of Glass Patterns Quarterly®.

To view (and save) the whole article with pattern as a PDF, download for $6.95 Zebras


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